The average house price on LINCOLN STREET is £167,137
The most expensive house in the street is 46 LINCOLN STREET with an estimated value of £231,477
The cheapest house in the street is 29 LINCOLN STREET with an estimated value of £45,768
The house which was most recently sold was 18 - 21 LINCOLN STREET, this sold on 2 Aug 2019 for £145,000
The postcode for LINCOLN STREET is HU2 0PB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
18 - 21 LINCOLN STREET £179,753 £145,000 2 Aug 2019
29 LINCOLN STREET £45,768 £36,000 16 Oct 2017
46 LINCOLN STREET £231,477 £165,000 20 Nov 2015
48 LINCOLN STREET £211,550 £170,000 28 Feb 2019